Blue Horizon Realty
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Thinking of Selling Your Outer Banks Property?  Get a FREE Home Value Report!

To find out the value of your property click here.  Let us provide you with a Comparative Market Analysis(CMA) with the sales prices/sold prices of similar properties in your area.

Feel free to Search the entire Outer Banks MLS for the most current active listings on this website.  If at any time, you would like more information or details about properties you have viewed, our real estate market, the Outer Banks area, or how investment property can benefit you, please do not hesitate to call Dawn Stultz at: 252-489-8687 or email her at:

You may be in early stages of gathering market information but you have to start somewhere and Blue Horizon Realty would like to help you through what could otherwise be a daunting task.

Thank you for visiting our website....we look forwarding to hearing from you!

Dawn Stultz
Blue Horizon Realty
120 High Dune Loop
Southern Shores, NC 27949 US
License # 251514
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